Vegan in Rome

My vegan in Rome vlog is up! Click here to see it. Vegan food aside for a moment, Rome is a lot of fun and is spilling with history. Cool fact – did you know the word salary comes from when people in Rome were given salt rations for their food? Cool fact two – the … More Vegan in Rome

For Fox Sake!

By now I am sure you have all seen the news. Theresa May is committed to bringing back fox hunting. If you haven’t seen it, then allow me to fill you with anger, frustration a good smattering of WTF. The story was first covered by the Mirror on Tuesday. They exposed a plot by the … More For Fox Sake!

Best Christmas advert 2016: a Vegan’s perspective

As a child, the Coca Cola adverts were always my favourites. They had glimmering lights, enchanted children, a catchy tune and coca cola drinking Father Christmas. It validated the delicious yet forbidden drink our parents warned would rot our teeth. It was magical but rather heavy handed. Since 2011, when John Lewis featured the little boy … More Best Christmas advert 2016: a Vegan’s perspective